Scanmudring has been using both system for more than 20 years. However, since 2001-2002 we decided not using the injection system for subsea conditions because the Suspension system proved to be far better for subsea conditions. Since 2002 we have together with the manufacturer developed the suspension technology to be the most safe, reliable and powerful system the marked can offer.
Since 2002 we have together with the manufacturer developed the suspension technology to be the most safe, reliable and powerful system the marked can offer.
The main difference between the systems are the method on how the abrasives are mixed into the high velocity nozzle. In the Injection system the abrasives are mixed in the nozzle head BEHIND the nozzle high pressure insert and collected/ mixed in an outlet focus tube. The injection systems main advantage is low cost

Injection vs Suspension
The main difference between the systems are the method on how the abrasives are mixed into the high velocity nozzle. In the Injection system the abrasives are mixed in the nozzle head BEHIND the nozzle high pressure insert and collected/ mixed in an outlet focus tube. The injection systems main advantage is low cost.
In the suspension system the abrasives are mixed into the high-pressure water flow BEFORE the nozzle insert and the nozzle insert itself and the focus tube is one single item. The suspension systems advantages are multiples but only one disadvantage which is the high cost in investment of the system. The suspension system is far better then the injection system and Scanmudring we will never offer an injection system for subsea cutting.
Only a very few suppliers offers suspension system in their cutting services worldwide. Most of the abrasive solutions offered are based upon injection systems for topside cutting which has been “modified” for subsea conditions. These injection solutions are comparable cost wise, but not quality wise, which is our main priority in all our offered solutions.
The below picture is showing a suspension system. The abrasive particles are closer in the centrum on the high pressure waterflow which will better utilize the power energy in the waterflow. We have experienced performance difference above 100% cutting efficiency between the two systems.
The upper picture is showing a typical injection system. The abrasives are not in the centrum of the high pressure waterflow which results in a significant lower cutting efficiency.