Scanmudring has throughout our history been working on various technologies to maintain critical operation in low visibility.
Our Scanmachines utilize a combination of various types of sensors to visualise the progress of work in our monitoring system. This gives a theoretical overview of the work and is supported by actual visuals through sonars and different types of lights and cameras. The combinations of these systems and our trained operators makes it possible to continue work even in zero visibility, which adds significant savings to the projects. Scanmudring has also implemented this system and experience in other tools, like grab, cleaning tool, soil plug removal tool and cutting tool. More information about our monitoring & navigation system, sonars, lights & cameras, please see below.

Image Caption: Virtual view of Scanmachine operation
Image Caption: Virtual view of grab operation
MoS – Monitoring & Navigation system
Increased confidence in low visibility as well as efficiency during project execution.
The MoS system is a virtual working environment allowing the Scanmudring operators to see a 3D model of the machine and its position on a terrain model representation of the work location. Sensors on all movable components are fed to topside computer assisting our trained operators to perform safe and efficient dredging performance near installations and live assets.
Data input
- Survey data (DTM)
- Transponder signal (USBL / LBL)
- Overlay file (*.dxf or *.dwg)
- Survey file (ASCII format i.e *.xyz)
- KP-Route (ASCII format i.e X,Y,Z,KP-value)
- Design file (*.xyz or *.dxf)
- 3D-models (*.3ds, Step, Inventor, dwg)
- Scanmudring simulate an as left dredging and provide pictures of simulations, volume reports and export created design files as a ASCII file on request. More information about our Monitoring & Navigation system can be found in this document.
Bird view 3D Sonar
The Coda Echoscope Real Time 3D sonar system is used to navigate in zero visibility acting as an acoustic camera. The software can be used to make survey files, pre-, intermediate- and post- operation. Scanmudring crew have experience in using Echoscope as a camera, whilst survey purpose requires a specialist. The echoscope could be mounted on the machine itself, on a vessel side pole or on a standalone tripod.
Images below are from 2018 were an echoscope was placed onboard the offshore vessel while the 40Te Scanmachine was located on top of a gravel pad. Feedback from that setup was less standby time and improved control during operation in low visibility.
- 40Te Scanmachine from the echosope software
- Mounted on vessel side pole
- 40Te Scanmachine utilized
NOTE: Solution by use of coda sonar from the vessel is recommended at depth below 50m. At depth above 50m, it’s recommended to install the unit on the Scanmachine or on of the ROVs.
Upper left image shows an example of operators view when the Echoscope was mounted on a standalone separate tripod during a drilling operation.
The lower left image and video below is from a project when the CodaOctopus Echoscope 3D sonar was used as an acoustic camera to navigate in the tunnel.
This tripod setup could also be used to create interim surveys of the dredged area.
Detail view 2D Sonar
When working near live assets or other sensitive operations, the sonar is often mounted to the Scanmachine. The Aris Explorer 3000 – Realtime 2D HD sonar has proven well suited for our operations. Not only does it provide a high resolution of the area of interest, with potential obstacles, debris and subsea assets, it also gives a good indicator in terms of monitoring how the dredged material is fed into the suction nozzle, ref video to the left.
Lights and Camera
Scanmudring has a unique experience and competence related to utilizing the combination of lights and camera. In underwater dredging environment where turbidity is presence or created, the optimal usage of lights and camera plays a major difference in the picture quality. The images to the left are from a study testing various type of lights, lights angles and a real-time video image enhancement system.
As part of the project preparations, lights, type of camera and their location on the equipment will be evaluated to optimize the utilization. A Scanmachine will typical be set up with 7 off lights and camera.
- 2 off halogen
- 2 off LED
- 3 gas
- 5 regular cameras
- 1 zoom camera
- 1 low light camera