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BREEAM and BREEAM NOR: Driving Sustainability in the Built Environment
In today’s world, where environmental concerns are paramount, sustainable construction practices have become increasingly important.
Water Abrasive Cutting – Injection vs Suspension
The main difference between the systems are the method on how the abrasives are mixed into the high velocity nozzle.
Working in low visibility
Scanmudring has throughout our history been working on various technologies to maintain critical operation in low visiblity.
Selecting the best cutting method
Selection of the best cutting method is an advanced exercise based on experience, if the cuts are on a critical line or not, where the cut is to be made and sometimes also if there are access in- or outside the piles.
Cost Effective Subsea Rock Removal Tool for Deepwater Applications
The experience to succeed!
Article about Scanmudring in Norwegian magazine, Dyp
The Norwegian magazine, DYP, publishes articles about underwater technology. In their third edition 2018, they have a nice article about Scanmudring.
Subsea challenges – how to be prepared
Key factors to consider in the planning phase